Selling Antique Swords on the Internet and my Personal Reputation
For a number of years I have been selling antique swords to customers throughout the world and have earned a reputation for fairness and reliability. I am always happy to correspond with customers and talk about this fascinating area of history and collecting. I am also a great believer in freedom of speech on the internet but please be aware that this freedom should not extend to individuals committing libel and spreading outrageous falsehoods about a person's character and reputation. Unfortunately, I have been a persistent victim of this anonymous and cowardly practice (as have other sword collectors, dealers and auction houses that have innocently crossed this individual's path) and I ask anyone reading blogs that spread this malicious material to simply make up your own mind as regards the kind of sad mentality that would spend hours writing anonymously about individuals they have never met and who have no right to reply. Interestingly, the originator of these blogs is also a seller of antique swords and therefore a direct competitor. I leave the reader to summise what they want from that fact.
Best regards,
Harvey Withers