Here you can find information on Harvey J S Withers, antique sword dealer and author.
I have been collecting and dealing in antique military swords and edged weapons for the well over 15 years and over that time have handled many varied and interesting pieces. These have ranged from Ancient Celtic Long Swords to English gentleman's smallswords of the Eighteenth Century. I love sourcing interesting and historical pieces and am expecially excited when I can determine the original owner. This literally brings a sword to life and gives us a fascinating insight into a sometimes forgotten individual and his place in history.
Handling and photographing so many swords over the years has enabled me to accumulate a vast library of sword images and I have used them to produce a number of sword related reference books. Here they are below:
British Military Swords 1786-1912: The Regulation Patterns (Studio Jupiter Military Publishing),
World Swords 1400-1945 (Studio Jupiter Military Publishing), The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Swords and Sabres(Lorenz Books)
The Scottish Sword 1600-1945 (Paladin Press).
See the reviews for my books below.
I am always happy to make contact and chat with fellow collectors and it goes without saying that I am always on the look out for new swords for my inventory. You can view my current swords for sale at and E-Bay auctions at
Best wishes and happy hunting!,
Harvey J S Withers
If you are interested in adding to your knowledge of antique military swords or maybe just seeing what they are worth, please take a look at my authored books below. They are produced specially for the sword collector and are full colour with hundreds of original photographs and illustrations.
Book reviews for publications by Harvey J S Withers:
British Military Swords 1786-1912 An Illustrated Price for Collectors
"It is by far and away the best reference guide to Victorian era British swords and is highly recommended"
Stuart Mowbray, Man at Arms magazine.
"Well researched, well written and well illustrated, this book is an essential addition for the sword collector"
Gun Mart magazine.
"Contains plenty of information......a valuable addition to our library"
National Army Museum, London.
" a very worthwhile addition to any sword collectors bookshelf"
The Armourer magazine.
If you collect British military swords you will want this book. Containing over 1500 unpublished full colour photographs it is the first full colour price guide for collectors of British regulation military swords. The book contains detailed photographs of all the regulation patterns from 1786 - 1912 including:
Infantry Swords
Cavalry Swords
Scottish Swords
General Officers' Swords
Naval Swords
Departmental Swords
British Sword Maker/Retailer Index
Close up Shots of Blade and Hilt
Sword Markings
Wilkinson Sword Serial Number Index
Sword Knots
World Swords 1600-1945 An Illustrated Price for Collectors
"This beautifully produced volume...wide-ranging and eclectic work cataloguing a large selection of swords dating from medieval times to the demise of the sword as a combat the generalist the knowledge and confidence to identify and know the value of any commonly encountered sword..."
Classic Arms and Militaria Magazine.
"Almost 300 pages of colourful photographs and informative an entry level guide which also serves as a source of reference to the more experienced collector..."
The Armourer Magazine.
"I am delighted to write the Foreword...because it gives a broad introduction to the types of swords that one might might find in the marketplace..."
Professor Richard Holmes.
- Over 2000 full colour photographs
- Current market values in $US and £Sterling
- Includes pre-1750 swords Swords
- Infantry Swords
- Cavalry Swords
- Scottish Swords
- Naval Swords
- Japanese swords
- Smallswords
- Historical background
- Foreword by Professor Richard Holmes
(Author of "Redcoat", TV presenter of "War Walks") - 300 pages laminated hardback
- First edition author signed copies available
The Scottish Sword 1600 - 1945 An Illustrated History
ISBN-13: 978-1581607130
"Superbly illustrated in colour...a must for the library of any serious edged weapon collector"
The Armourer Magazine
With more than 1,200 gorgeous, full-color photographs and authentic period illustrations,The Scottish Sword pays tribute to the swords most associated with the Highland soldier, including:
Two-handed swords
English basket hilts
Jacobite basket hilts
Regulation basket hilts
Non-regulation swords
This book can be purchased directly from or